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A Text and An Email…Bam! New Direction

4 Sep

I got into a sorta conversation the other day, a conversation that was quick, actually it was just a few text messages and then later a grateful email to a completely different person.  Both, conversations revolved around Mr. H, that really was the only commonality between the two, yet they really made me think, reconsider certain things that I do.

Mr. H is an extraordinary child.  That being said he is still a child, even though he is uber intelligent, even though he is articulate.  I have always tried to give him balance, to find a way to feed his mind while still letting him be a child.  Both conversations have made me reevaluate this.  I have always believed that as a child he should interact and play with children his own age, his peers.  I am beginning to wonder if I am trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

Let me explain, Mr. H has a rough time with social skills, with interacting with his peers.  He is much more comfortable in an adult environment.  Lately, he has become seriously involved in social media.  I mean, really, really involved. I have encouraged this.  Why?  because my baby, my child that has never fit in has found his passion, when he talks about social media or interacts in public, he has confidence and he has PASSION!! That’s right, my almost eleven year old* has discovered his passion and it is a beautiful inspiring thing.

Back to the original text, ” I don’t believe in balance the way you do”. That was it. Yet, it struck a chord, it resonated with me as I realized that in my efforts to give Mr. H a balance that I thought he needed that maybe I was stifling his passion, that maybe he is where he belongs and maybe, just maybe since I have such a special child, that I need to think outside the box to parent him.  That maybe I should be let him traverse this path, instead of gently shoving him in the direction that I think he should take, perhaps I should let him guide me.

That leads to the email, an email to someone special and important.  This person, inspired my son, he is the one that sent him spiraling down this path.  How? To be honest, I am not sure.  I think it is because his passion is so deep and so very much evident in what he does that somehow he managed to reach my son.  He did what I had never been able to do, he inspired my child.  He gave my son the ability to belong somewhere, to fit in and forge his own path! I will be forever grateful to this person.

As a parent, I try to do always do the right thing with my children and I am always growing and becoming what I hope is a better parent.  I think that these seemingly random, completely, unrelated incidents have become a growing point for me.  I was forced to step back and reevaluate how I was parenting.  My role with Mr. H hasn’t changed instead I think it has become more clear.  I think that now, I must follow him, let his passion run and I think that perhaps he will be teaching me. Let him do what he sees the people that inspire him do.  So I thank my friends, even if they don’t realize the significance of what they have done, they have made me be a better parent.

* Mr. H’s birthday is Wednesday and he asked to go to the Placer Tweet Up!! So come join us and celebrate!!

Mama is Headin to the Big City!!

17 Aug

All over the interwebz, ok, Twitter, I have been hearing all about this 140Conf.  What? I needed to know more, I want to go!! Yes, that’s right I wanted to go even before I knew what it was all about. And then….I read all about it.  THEN, I knew I needed to go, I HAVE to go!

Guess where I am going on Thursday?? Yup, that’s right, Mama is heading to San Francisco!! I am going to meet this guy and I am attending the 140Conf San Francisco. At the Moscone Center. Ohhh, yea baby!!! and you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be tweeting and I will be following this up with another post.  I feel that I am going to get some really valuable insight and learning from all the amazing people who are on board with this project and I am going to share with you.  Yup, that’s right, I’m a giver!! But..wait, there is more…

See, I know a lot of my bloggy friends and readers today are playing Blogapalooza with me and they are all over the country.  Yes?? Well, guess what the amazing Jeff Pulver is coming your way!! So if you clicky click HERE you will see the dates for his Midwest tour.

As the title may have led you to believe this is about Twitter!! Exploring what effects of real time internet has on business! He really gathers some amazing speakers and explores a wide range of people, topics, media and there are more.  (I am borrowing most of this from the website). Trust me, if you are anywhere near one of these conferences you really really do want to go!! The best part, well, a really good part…it’s not expensive to attend.  Yup, that’s right, I am thinking that it’s going to cost me more to park the Creeper for the day then it was to buy the ticket!!

So, I know y’all are busy writing and dinner and whatever you do…but please, pretty please read the links, see what Jeff is doing and the amazing people that he has helping him with his journey.  He has an amazing line-up for SF. Here are a few

Ted Rubin OpenSky   @tedrubin

Chris Heuer Social Media, Founder @chrisheuer

Beth Blecherman, Founder Tech Mommas @techmama

There are more…honest and I am not singling anyone out, nothing personal.

Go check the links, go follow Jeff on Twitter…Chat with him, he’s really sweet!!

Wanna Join the MoB??

5 Aug

I really, really love a great community and I think I have a great one started.  Also, I love having a party.  Ohhh, and if I can include Twitter, friends and an awesome hashtag, I am completely ecstatic!! What?? Yes, good food is essential as well.

A few weeks ago, a new friend of mine, pondered the question “ How do we find more peeps like us locally?”  By “us” she was referring to Mommy’s who blog! Not necessarily “Mommy Bloggers” but just parents who are online, building relationships, making communities and cultivating friendships.  She and I have heard of “big” events that bring the online community together but none of them are local.  While they spoke to the community that we are in, they don’t involve our “community” specifically, an event where we can meet our “online” community.

With that in mind #SACMoB was born!! Welcome and please join us!! Sacramento Mommies on Blogging is in the works and we are inviting you, yes all of you to join us for an afternoon of food, learning and meeting.  We are hosting an new type of event.  We want to meet all of you and we want to introduce you to local companies.  We want to chat about blogging, twitter, facebook and what we see for our communities.

So….save the date, September 18, 2010 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m!! We will be serving some tasty morsels and we will be having some fun!  Currently, we have several sponsors and are seeking additional sponsors ( so if you are a company and want to be involved shoot me an email).

My MoB partner, @AprilMom00 and I are looking forward to meeting all of you!! Additional, information*will be coming as we get closer to the day as well as invites.  Please let us know that you are interested in attending, send us a tweet or comment here!

Just added the event invite!! SacMoB invites

Social Media, Really It Is a Social Thing

4 Aug

Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare all three comprise a huge avenue of connecting with people, places and events.  I use all three, some more than others and all in different ways.  All three allow me the ability to connect with people everywhere, with my local businesses and for people to connect with me.

Let’s start with that last one, Foursquare.  I love foursquare.  I check in almost everywhere and I covet badges like I do fine chocolate.  Mayorships are to be acquired with tongue in cheek and to be stealthy stolen acquired from friends strangers! That being said, I understand the risks, I realize that people are seeing where I am at A LOT.  I don’t check in at home, I don’t check in at the kids’ schools and I don’t check in when I don’t feel comfortable with it.  The friends that I have there, they are all people that I know and I don’t accept friend requests from people I don’t know.  To me, it is a game, it is an opportunity for businesses to attract my meager funds.  I think businesses are smart and savvy to utilize something that is so widely used and popular with consumers.  That popularity, will just increase with time, more and more people will start using it, coupled with ease of use and most of my friends using it, I don’t see why a business would neglect an opportunity to increase business and attract new customers.

Now, Twitter, is my FAVORITE!! I wouldn’t say I was addicted….although I am sure certain people might disagree.  As I waxed poetic about all my new Twitter friends, yesterday, is great for chatting with people, meeting new friends and SOMEBODY is always there.  It provides an instant gratification, responses to any woe or joy are responded to in kind.  However, it doesn’t just end there after a little 140 character response, it rolls over to a TweetUp or even a MeetUp.  Some TweetUp’s are specifically for a business.  However, most are for networking, meeting people and SOCIALIZING.  Some can be at a new restaraunt, a movie or even just a random thing.  TweetUps are usually denoted by a specific hashtag (eg. #FolsomTweetUp or #BlazingTweetUp).  By searching a specific hashtag you can usually see all the chatter regarding that specific party.  That can help you decide if you want to go or what it is about.  Some are more formal then others and have RSVP’s attached.  Usually using Twtvite or EventBrite.  See one you want to attend? Join in the conversation or RSVP.  Most people will agree the more the merrier.

So that leaves, Facebook.  Last but certainly not least.  Although, I tend to neglect my own wall, I voraciously watch my friends, support their endeavors and look for new and intriguing.  I think that Facebook has a lot of value.  My original use for it has changed.  Originally, I was using it to keep out of state/out of area family up to date on the kids, the pics and what not.  So, online that is where my family is and what online venue they choose to connect.  However, I think it’s amazing what companies, what my friends are doing with Facebook.  Yesterday, my BFF, posted a video…a video that is a Sacramento contender for Cupcake Wars. (Please click on HERE and vote) Actually, go visit the store itself coz the cupcakes there YUMMMY!!! Anyway, I digress… again the value from Facebook is what you derive from it.

Mostly, this is how I use all three avenues of social media.  I have met tons of wonderful people and I have plans to meet more.  I have made wonderful friendships, a few business deals and after living in this area for 8 years I found an AMAZING FANTASTIC artiste for my hairs (go see her) I have attended conferences that I heard about from Twitter(ones that I would have never heard about otherwise), participated in a Treasure Hunt, that uses only social media to seek the treasure and I have discovered wonderful new companies by “like”ing them on Facebook.  I probably use all three differently than you and that is the beauty of Social Media.  The flexibility and ease of use makes it easy to tailor it to fit your needs and wants.  However, it is only as valuable as you make it and the importance that you place on the value of those relationships.  Nothing is better then a hug from a friend that understands you even if it is a virtual hug!!

**There are some great links today, check them out!! They are great and amazing people.

***Ohhh, Come back tomorrow coz I have a HUGE FUN announcement!! A party invite #SACMoB

Friends Let Friends Wear Their Pretty Dresses

25 Jul

Today, I did something I hadn’t done since high school, eons ago a few years ago….I borrowed a dress from a girlfriend!! I know, I know not a really big deal. Altho, to me it kinda was. See, I really haven’t had “girlfriends” since high school.  I haven’t done the whole “hang and drink coffee” friend thing with girls in YEARS!!!

How did this come about?  Well, I had kids and a career…free time just seemed to go by the wayside.  The “Girl’s Nite” fled as my life spiraled into a different direction then my friends, add to that I moved A LOT.  Now, I still have the kids and once again my career is metamorphosing into something! Only this time, I am taking time. Yup, while I am following my crazy path with the kids and life I am taking me time.  I am cultivating friendships, making the time to hang with friends.

Ironically, most of my current friendships started on Twitter.  The peeps, I am hanging with are people who I found funny, entertaining and enchanting on Twitter.  From those 140 character “Tweets”, TweetUps followed and meeting everyone IRL (In Real Life) and then continuing on to meeting for coffee dates or maybe to try a new restaurant or maybe a movie. TweetUps are for more than just business networking!! I am able to stay in better touch with people with Twitter and Facebook.  I am able to meet people for coffee more often.  It probably,  also, helps that I am not stuck in an office any longer, that I have some flexibility.

I like that my friends are now all so different and varied, some have kids, some don’t, some I know better than others and some I know well enough that TMI doesn’t exist between us.  There is always something different going on or someone doing something fun. Most of the time they don’t mind when I invite myself inviting me.   I know that “rough” days will be empathized with and “great” days celebrated!! All with people who I know or people who I kinda know.  I don’t have to worry that the kids can’t hang with these peeps! I am enjoying this “new” me that has friendships, BFF’s that understand my love of all that is chocolate and coffee and still love me even though I just can’t get on board with “those” cruddy vampire movies.  They text me when they see I am in their neighborhood to crab a coffee and cupcake and they see that I am thinking about going to see a movie and they say hey, let’s go!!

Sooo, while I was grateful for the perfect party dress that I borrowed, I really am much more grateful for the friendship it represents*.  I know that there are more people to meet and I hope to meet them soon!!I am always reminded of the phrase “You can’t pick your family, but you can pick the friends that truly are nutty like you and truly your family” or something like that…

*Ummm how long does one get to “borrow” a dress before they have to give it back??

**And coz I know you guys, here is the dress!! I’m even in it….

Social Media…It Is For Grown Ups!!!

2 Jul

Wow!! that is all I have to say. I am blown away, amazed by the event yesterday.  As you all you know, I attended the Sacramento Social Media Day with News 10. I love going to these events, I love them since it gives me a chance to “meet” people that I chat with a lot and it gives me a chance to meet people that I might never have connected with, ever!

This event exceeded my expectations.  It was well put together, Alejandro Reyes and the News 10 team, just did an amazing job.  The honesty and the sincerity was flowing as well as the sense of community.  Occasionally, confusion wrinkled foreheads until Twitter handles were whispered then smiles and hugs were exchanged!!

The News 10 team, arranged for a Skype chat with Manchester, England and then the News 10 team spoke.  They spoke of the impact of Social Media, they spoke of the impact of Social Media and they spoke of Community!  They wanted the community to contribute, to be a part of the community that they were building.

I spent the time floating around the room, chatting with a people I had met before and then meeting people that I had spoken to but had never met IRL (in real life)!! It was awesome, putting faces to names and names to Twitter handles.  Listening to the conversation buzzing around me about blogs, local places and upcoming TweetUps was crazy and I am sure to an outsider it would seem chaotic and easy to get lost. To me, I felt like I was connected that I belonged in this room with these people.  Keep in my mind, I spend my days alternatively on my computer or with the kids so this was a chance to connect with “real” people! Hugs abounded and even the occasional “bootie slap”!

Mr. H with one of his "Ladies" @MeghanWood

I frequently, hear from people, I don’t get Twitter or Facebook.  Even blogging is a novel concept to so many.  As I meandered through the room, I “heard” all the different ways all three being used, from sharing news stories to comedy stories to food blogs to fundraising.  The people here, understood the power, the reach of social media, in their lives and their business.  The one common thing~No matter the different content or people, everyone was enthusiastic!  Everybody, was looking to learn and share! People were looking to connect, to build a community!

News 10 brought together a room full of people where the only common denominator was a love of 140 characters and from that they will be building a new community, a community that is open, passionate and diverse!  The tweets flowed during the event, a live-web cam was up on the website ( I know coz I was receiving texts from people not there that they were watching) and after everything was over, blog posts started flowing, pictures were flying and the whole thing hit the 6 O’Clock news!!  I loved reading about others views and impressions of the event, their impressions and take-away made me think! I am always, in awe of the power of Social Media and how it is used differently by everyone! I think you will be too, check out what was being said for yourselves:

Kris Vera-Phillips-@QueenKV

Andrew Bradley– @MrAndrewBradley

Karen Leventini Hansen-@Karenof4

If I am missing a blog post about the event, let me know so that I can linky-link!

*I am tryin to link Twitter names with all the peeps but Twitter is wickity wacked this am!

Social Media, Not Just For Grown Ups!!*

30 Jun

Today, I took the Yungin’ to an EVENT with me.  We went to The Sacramento Social Media Day With News 10 & SacTweetUp that I knew would be crowded, loud and chaotic.  Wait, don’t shake your head at me, yet, I assure you I am not completely crazy.  I realize that since he has Aspergers and Sensory Integration, this event would prove to be difficult and challenging to him.  He would have to meet tons of people, he would have to shake hands, make eye contact and be in close quarters with lots of people.  So what was my reasoning?

The Yungin’ is OBSESSED with social media, Twitter and Facebook! This was my reasoning, using his enthusiasm for social media to help him work his social skills, to show him what socializing at it’s finest looks like.  Turns out that not only can he talk it, walk it and work it and he can NETWORK!  He did AMAZING!! Not only that, but he took some amazing steps.

First, he loves social media “he gets it” and lately, I have been taking him with me to events (hello, Summer with No Sitter), plus, he reads my blog, my Twitter and has his FB.  My Twitter friends, have nicknamed him “Mr. H”, he loves that.  He loves being Twitter “famous”!! He sees how companies are using Twitter and how people are helping each other.  Also, I think it is easier for him to use the computer to communicate coz he doesn’t have to try so hard to figure out tone, inflection of voice and social cues.  He finds it straight forward, uncomplicated and he is able to hear what people are saying.

All that being said, he was so wonderful, today.  He willing shook hands with people, he introduced himself and he had conversations.  He was articulate, thoughtful and charming! Oh my, was he charming…the lil’ scamp flirted heavily with the ladies!(He now has a posse of “his ladies”) He listened to the conversations around him, he listened when the News 10 team asked for the community to contribute to making their team and our community better.  He told me that we are part of the “community” then he went and talked to them and volunteered to blog for them, to give them my blog(he “pimps” my blog gloriously).  He wanted them to know that he was important, that just because his “brain” is wired differently, that he has a voice and he wants to use it, to educate.  He wants people to understand why he is different and that doesn’t mean anything is “wrong” with him.  He took that step, without me.

He was the only child there, he never noticed, nor did he think it was odd.  He felt right at home.

Towards the end, he looked at me and said that he was going outside.  He needed a “moment” He went outside for a few minutes then came back( this is huge for him, he recognized that he needed a break).  He did hang on my quite a bit, I am his safe zone, from the crowd, from all the touching.  He didn’t quite look at people when he spoke to them, a few times I saw confusion cross his face, however, all of that didn’t deter him, he gave everyone his all.

When it was all said and done, he was proud of himself, I was proud of him.  See for yourself

Can you see Mr. H workin the ladies??  Video

*This is part one, part two…Social Media for Grown Ups-tomorrow

“You Went Where?” First Ever Folsom Tweet Up

2 Jun

Once again, I am amazed and impressed by the incomparable Jim Pelley.  Last night, he hosted the first Folsom Tweet Up.  He picked a fabulous venue, incredible people attended and the weather was awesome! (yes, I am positive that Jim finagled that as well)

So first, what’s a Tweet Up.  Well, if you are on Twitter, I am sure that you have heard of these little or big events.  They are basically an event organized mostly on Twitter, from Twitter people.  It is a chance to meet people in for real person (or IRL), to make connections, personally or businessly.  Most events, are held at some sort of venue with food!!  It is an opportunity to socialize and connect with local businesses or even just “the locals”!

Last nights venue, was just AMAZING!! The Back Wine Bar in Folsom is fabulous.  They had outside seating and comfy chairs inside.  They provided an intimate, friendly atmosphere.  What was great, the food and the staff!! I can not tell you enough about the quality of service, they rolled out the welcome red carpet and provided a real   service.  If you are in the Sac area please put them on your Must Do list, check them out here and here…coz I understand from locals that they do some great events!!!

I will be going back!

Naturally, since it has been that type of week, I completely forgot my camera so I am stealing borrowing some pics from Kevin Gleave, who was the unofficial/official photog last night and he did marvouls!! I met so many people last night, most that I have chatted with on Twitter and have been dying to meet!!

These events are amazing to attend and really fun! I personally think, that as a business connecting with clients/customers on Twitter or Facebook, this gives you the opportunity to connect on a personal level and garner some face time or even a different sphere in which to meet and chat about your business!

So watch Twitter and find these amazing Tweet Ups in your area or better yet, host your own!!